RAVEN’S DOJO! PG 1299! So ends issue 39!!

Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaand that’s a wrap, folks!! Exciting new love is in the air as even Sarah takes the plunge and lets the good things in life that happen to her happen! What an adventure! I’ve wanted to get this one down on paper for TEN YEARS!! Book 8 is almost done. One more issue and I’ve got a special treat for you all with that one.

However… I may work on finishing up the work for books 2 and 4 so that THOSE books can get out before years end. Not 100% sure how we’ll swing it! We’ll see! Of course I’ll keep you posted!

Thanks for taking this wild ride with me! An army of Thors from other dimensions. An idea that hit my brain like lightning! Phew! Finally all out there!


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